Friday, 22 October 2010

Being Victor

At last, an update!  I've been really busy with the day job and, in honesty, a little bit lazy at night.  So anyway, here's some new stuff - these are just a few of the character designs I created for a tv programme called Being Victor that aired at the start of September this year on MTV.  My job involved creating the character designs and scene elements which were scanned in and coloured before being handed on to my colleague who made short animations using them.  The animations appear on the blog as accompaniments for the live action series.  The art style - established by another artist - was very different to my own, so it was a good challenge for me to try something new.  A stickler for proportion and anatomy, I found it a bit disconcerting in the beginning to draw like this!  I've been eager to put some of these up for a while though, so I hope you like what you see.

If you're interested, here's the website -

And now, on to the drawings!  Thanks for looking.